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(April 2021-2024)

A family for orphans...

It is estimated that 40 million children live on the streets of South America. Bolivia with the continents highest income inequality it is estimated to have several hundred thousand sleeping rough. From official surveys 80% of street kids inhale glue and many young girls turn to prostitution by 12-13 years or younger. Some have fled physical abuse, some mental abuse, others have been orphaned or abandoned by their parents.

For every £1 we spent April 2023 - 24
86% went towards the children mission centre.

13% went towards outreach, vital support work and sustenance.

Why are we doing what we are doing?
Scroll down for answers

R Mission Bolivia is establishing roots in rural and city areas of Santa Cruz


2024: Two days per week are dedicated to mission activities outside the centre. The rest of the week we focus on completing the children’s centre, sustainability, paperwork, communications, education, training and more.


  • Wednesday, we prepare food and drinks and go into the city in the afternoon and work late into the evening often finishing after 9pm. We visit many single parents with children selling sweets or washing car windows, some are homeless, all survive hand to mouth on a daily basis and are often in dirty clothes and malnourished due to extreme poverty. We also encounter adults struggling with various addictions. We have a route for referral to help adults via community centres and rehabilitation ministries that also work to see lives changed for good.


  • Fridays we prepare aid packs (food, sanitary items, educational resources and often clothing) and go out into rural villages. We visit homes and arrange special mornings to visit schools. When visiting homes, we go out in the afternoon and evening when children are home from school. We come across families living on very low incomes, children often need shoes, clothes and nutrition.


Many are living hand to mouth, often farming, fighting the jungle and climate to produce food and many malnourished. It’s common to find families that take care of other people’s properties, and don’t own anything themselves. There are very little reading resources. In 2024 we started to deliver kids’ books, bible activity booklets and later hope to give out kids’ bibles. As well as help with nutrition and sanitation and we are also investigating long term sustainability ideas to help each community.

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